Saturday, June 30, 2007

This Moment

It is easy to get caught up in dreaming and worrying about the future. What will Cameron be like? Will he be happy? Will he be scared? Will I be a good Mom? Will I cry when I see him for the first time? What will the airplane ride be like with a baby? All I seem to do lately is live for the day we get Cameron. I forget about my daily blessings. I am so blessed to have the family and friends I have. This journey through adoption is a blessing. I have never felt so supported by so many people in my life, each person cheering us on as we struggle through the waiting or celebrate the latest picture. My Mom always lived each day to the fullest. She died young but full of joy and love for each day. I want to do that, I want to live that way. Sure it is fun to dream and hope, but I have to remember God gave me today to be the person he wants me to be today.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Hard Day Still Waiting

Today was a hard day for me. I suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis, and had to see my doctor for a check-up today. Stress tends to flare up my arthritis and I have had a fare amount of stress lately. Stress of losing my Mom (my best friend), stress of endless waiting for a son, stress of losing a brother in-law to divorce, not to mention the day to day stress life can bring. I feel like through it all I have been remained pretty put together, I feel I am dealing well with all the stress. My body on the other hand does not agree. I had to get my knee injected today, which for all of you who have not had the opportunity to go through it, is not a fun experience.

I was listening to a song today on a Dove CD I have. I don't know the title of the song, but the words of the song are "I will lead you through valleys of sorrows to rivers of joy". I truly believe that my river of joy s coming, I just wish it would flow more quickly, before my body falls apart :) Oh well what can you do? Love ya all!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Swing Set

Hi everyone sorry I have not been posting much latley. We are entering week five of what looks to be a ten week process, that is if we don't get kicked out again. We had a wonderful fathers day weekend up with Brian's parents last weekend. The only thing his Dad wanted to do for fathers day was build a swing set for Cameron. Here is a picture of the final product. I cannot wait for Cameron to play on it!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Video of Cameron

Today was a great day. We received our first video of Cameron "Luis Fernando"! To see the video please go to Hope everyone is doing well!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Sophia and the Dogs

We are trying to get our dogs used to babies. Sophia loves dogs so we are using her for practice. I think they are starting to get use to having her a round. I hope Cameron likes dogs as much as Sophia.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

June Pictures

This is our June picture. He looks like they just woke him up from a nap. We are now sixteen days into a eight to ten week wait
(That is if we don't get kicked out). We are happy and trying to remain positive!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Just Add Baby

This weekend we finished the nursery - yeah! We started painting the nursery the day my mom had her cardiac arrest. She was so excited for us and for Cameron. I remember her sitting in the middle of the room, playing camp director. She wanted it to be perfect. She was telling me how she had been praying for Cameron's birth mom. We talked about what a blessing and honor it will be to raise her son.

When we first told my mom and dad that we were going to have a "twinkle twinkle" theme, they were so excited. For Christmas they arranged for many of our family and friends to write prayers and wishes for Cameron. They then adhered the messages onto wooden stars that would be used to decorate our nursery. On Christmas night, my mom gave us the box with tears in her eyes. She told us to go home and sit together and open the box. We could not believe the work my parents had gone through for us. In the box there were over fifty stars filled with love and prayers for Cameron. We sat and cried as we read each and every one.

It was hard to want to finish the room without my mom. My dad came over Saturday, and to our surprise we found so much joy in finishing Cameron's room. It was fun to know my mom was such a special part of the room. We hung her star above the crib. Her star reads, "Dearest Cameron, from the moment we saw your face you have become part of all of us. Angels watch over you until we bring you home. At Christmas time with the birth of our savior Jesus Christ we watch the distant star knowing you are far away and yet so close because of the love in our hearts for you. We will love you forever. Blessings our dear one."

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Getting Ready In More ways then One

Brian and I are trying to prepare ourselves to become parents. We decided that we both could stand to lose a few pounds. We went to the club the other night for the first time in about nine months. Brian told me that he was going to use the treadmill, so I followed him over and got on the machine next to him. He said in a casual voice " I think I'm going to do about forty-five minutes, how about you as he looked at me I felt like saying fifteen, but I smiled and said yeah forty-five sounds good. We both made it forty-five and I am glad he pushed me to do a longer workout. It helps to have such a great partner in life. I am glad we are trying to be healthy for Cameron.

Friday, June 1, 2007

No News Week

I know that this is going to come as a shocker to all of you, but I have no new news to report this week. We hope that next week we will get some new pictures to share with all of you. I have been trying to stay positive and buy a few things for our trip to Guatemala. Have a great weekend everyone!