Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's Official

Hi Everyone,
Today we finalized our adoption!! Yeah he is ours forever! We also officially changed his name and he became a US Citizen. He is such a great little guy, we are so blessed to have him, we are having the time of our life. I still keep all of you waiting families in our prayers.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Welcome Elin Ann Johnson

Hi Everyone,
Sorry I have not been blogging our life is a blur these days. The days go by so quickly. Today was such a wonderful day. We welcomed our new niece into the world. Her name is Elin Ann Johnson. We are all so excited to have her here with us! It was another day that just didn't seem fair that my Mom was not with us. I am sad for Joe, for I know all to well the heartache of not having your Mom present on the most important day of your life. Yet I celebrate for I know that Joe and Hilary through this child will find such amazing joy. Congratulations Joe, Hilary and Baby Elin we love you!

Monday, October 15, 2007


If you would like to view a slideshow I put together of our journey through adoption you can view it at
I hope everyone is doing well, we keep all of your families in our prayers.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Monday, October 8, 2007

Ellie's Family Comes to Minnesota

We had a GREAT time visiting with Ellie's family this weekend while they were in town to visit some churches in the area. It is indeed a special connection when two families have adoption as a common thread in their lives. And it's also amazing how the Internet can make a community of soon-to-be parents from all over the world feel so close to one another. It was so nice to sit with Ellie's family over lunch, and for us to be able to support each other through this unique - and crazy - process. We will continue to pray that Ellie unites with her loving family soon.

New Pictures for all you Cam Fans

Bath Time Buddies Cam and Sophia

Brinkley Kisses

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Cameron was not to sure about the grass.

Cameron is hasterical in the bathtub.

"Supercam" My husband is a big Superman fan

Sophia is not to sure what to think of her new cousin

Cameron and Brian

Here are some pictures of Cameron. Everything is going wonderful with our family. I am sorry I have not posted for so long. Our lives have been so busy since we have been home , today marks three weeks. We feel he has totally bonded with us,we are so blessed. Thank you for all your support and prayers!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Home Sweet Home!

Hi Everyone,
We are finally home! Cameron is the best baby ever. He sleeps all night and is so happy and snuggly. I feel like the other shoe is going to drop any minute. I have never felt so blessed. I will continue to pray for all of you who wait. It is true what they say: once you hold him you will never look at all the time you waited with regret.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Traveling Tomorrow

Hi All,
We leave tomorrow at 5:00am, I cannot believe it. We will go directly to the orphanage once we arrive in Guatemala. I will not be posting on my blog while we are gone. If you would like to read about our trip, see pictures, or video please go to my husbands blog at I think it will be eaiser if only one of us is blogging about our adventure. Take care and God bless all of you who are still waiting for your little ones.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Were going to Guatemala!

I called the Embassy today and they told me our appointment will be on Sept 4th. That means we will likely be leaving this weekend. I am so excited I cannot tell you. We are trying to figure out our travel plans as I type. I will write more later. I cannot believe our dreams are finally coming true!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Hopefully back on track

I am sorry that I vented yeaterday. Here is the follow up to our situation. Our caseworker called today to let us know that the DNA had been completed, I guess our agency uses a different organization to do the testing then I was told. I am relieved to know I made a mistake and called the wrong testing place. We did get confirmation today that our DNA arrived at the Embassy today, and we should hopefully get pink next week. Thank you to all who have supported us through this. Sometimes you just don't know who to trust, when you have had all the delays we have had. We just want our Son home and we want to know that we did everything we could to help that process along.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


After reading a forum, I found that many Moms were calling the Embassy on their own to check the status of their pink slips. They were all getting appointments for Monday if their DNA was completed and they had been submitted to the Embassy. Hearing this I got really excited. Our social worker had told us our DNA had been completed last thursday and that we were submitted to the Embassy on Monday. I called today only to find out we had been submitted, but not until yesterday. Then the lady told me that she did not have the results to our DNA test and I would need to check back. Ok at this point I was disappointed, but thought I'll try back Monday.

After getting off the phone with her I decided I had better double check that the DNA was actually done. I called Lab-core and talked to a very nice lady who told me the 2nd DNA test had not yet be completed and I had to pay if I even wanted an appointment. I knew we had to pay, but I figured we would get a bill from our agency when they needed the money. I am heart broken, I put my trust in these people and within a week I have found out they have given me false information three times. We have entered in on good faith this organization and would like honest accurate information from them.

I am tired, stress, and don't think I can handle much more of this.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Happy Birthday Cameron

Cameron turned one today. I am so sad that we are not with him for his Birthday. Pray for pink soon!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Look what I get to keep

Sorry that I had to vent yesterday, but sometimes the waiting just gets to you. I should not complain, just look who I get to spend the rest of my life with.

I received this picture yesterday from another guatamama, who had just returned from a mission trip to Eagles Nest. Please pray for her as she waits for her referral.

Friday, August 17, 2007

More delays :(

Hi Everyone,
We received the following frustrating e-mail today:

The embassy decided that since they will be short-staffed next week, they will not be processing adoption cases (ex. Issuing pink slips). This means that you need to add a week into the time frame.

Also – the first family received their second DNA test back. It looks like the fee to have that processed is $175. I hope there will no other fees added in- but I can’t say for sure. I just wanted to pass on the latest news.

It is certainly disappointing that the embassy is not processing this week…. Hang in there.

Wonderful, more waiting for such a dumb reason, what is wrong with the US Embassy, when they do not have enough staff? I plan on contacting our local Senator, to tell him what I think about this issue. I cried all the way home I cannot handle another delay. Please pray that the US Embassy will get there act together so Cameron can come home.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Cameron Video's

Two more videos of Cameron can be found at Thanks Whitney!!

Surprise Party

Saturday was so much fun! Our families threw us a "Can't wait Cameron" surprise party. We had no idea, we just thought we were going over to my Dad's for Dinner. It is so wonderful to be supported by such a loving and giving family.

Friday, August 10, 2007

August Update

Cameron has not grown much over the past month he is 18 lbs and 13 oz. He has been sick, and on antibiotics. We are so ready to have him home!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Beach Baby

We were supposed to be submitted to the embassy this week. We are hoping for our update this week. Keep praying!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Tears in Minnesota

Just when we thought the waiting was over we got hit with this:

U.S. Embassy Uses DNA Testing to Protect Children Adopted in Guatemala

Effective August 6, 2007, the U.S. Embassy in Guatemala will require a second DNA test, to verify that the adopted child for whom an immigrant visa is being requested is the same child matched at the beginning of the adoption process with the birth parent. The Embassy is taking this step in response to concerns about the unregulated adoption process in that country. The Embassy already requires one DNA match between a relinquishing parent and prospective adoptive child as part of the immigrant visa process for Guatemalan children adopted by American citizens. This new procedure will apply to adoption cases finalized by Guatemalan authorities and submitted to the Embassy on or after August 6th.

The United States supports the highest standards of practice in international adoption. Due to concerns about the Guatemalan adoption process, the U.S. government must apply an extraordinary level of scrutiny to adoption cases there. This second DNA test will confirm that the child applying for the visa is the same child originally matched with the birth mother who voluntarily consented to the adoption. The first DNA matching test typically occurs a number of months before the adoption process is completed and the visa is issued.

We support the efforts of the Government of Guatemala to reform its adoption process to meet its obligations as a member of the Hague Intercountry Adoption Convention. The Hague Permanent Bureau's international advisory group of experts, including U.S. representatives, are providing technical assistance to the Government of Guatemala as it works toward implementation of a Hague Convention-compliant adoption process.

Our case worker thinks this will at-least tack on an extra two weeks if not more to our wait. Please keep us in your prayers!

Yesterday as we were feeling so sorry for ourselves, a tragic event occurred not far from our house in Minnesota. A bridge collapsed injuring many and killing at-least four people. The death toll is still expected to rise as many are trapped under the bridge in the river. I know all to well how hard it is to loose a family member unexpectedly. I know what is like to not get to say goodbye. My mom died suddenly in January and my heart aches for all the families and friends of the victims. It brought up alot of emotion and sadness within me, but it made me thankful to God for the miracle that will soon come to us. Cameron will be a blessing of joy and hope that we so desperately need. God is good and God is with us even when we throw are hands up and question why? Please pray for Minnesota and for all families including mine as we greave for the ones we loved so much.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Champagne Celebration

We had a celebration with my family when we got the news we were out of PGN. I thought I would share a few pictures. My husband does not drink so he celebrated with my pregnant sister in-law with a little sparkling juice. We are still waiting to find out when we can travel. One week down lets hope we can make it to Guatemala for Cameron's Birthday!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sleeping Cameron

Another great picture sent from Whitney. It is such a blessing to get pictures of Cameron. I hope I can repay her in a couple of weeks.

Monday, July 23, 2007

New Pictures!

Thanks to a wonderful friend I met in blogger world, I now have some new pictures of Cameron. She posted them on her website today. Thanks Whitney! Please pray for her and her team serving as missionaries at the orphanage Cameron is at. She has a daughter about a month older then Cameron she is adopting.

Friday, July 20, 2007


AHAHAHAH I cannot believe we are out of PGN! I think I am going to pee my pants! It looks like we will be leaving to pick him up in three to four weeks!! I will write more later. Thank you for all you love and support!

I'm coming home!!!

Friday, July 13, 2007

July Picture

This is our July picture. I found it on the orphanage website. I still have not received our update or our pictures for July. I was glad to stumble across this picture. I cannot believe how big he is! It makes me so sad to see how much he is changing, I feel like I am missing out on so much. We are just finishing up seven weeks in the final court. Our social worker told me that it has been taking around ten. Keep in mind that after we get out of final court we still have about a month before we can travel. I am starting to lose all patience, I am feeling my whole being wearing down. I am losing sleep thinking about him, he is in every second of every day for me. Please keep praying for us!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July

Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to say Happy 4th of July! Thank you to all those who serve to protect our freedom. I am so happy that Cameron will someday soon be able to grow up in a free country, because of your service. I hope you all have a wonderful and safe holiday. Next week we should get our July pics and an update on our case. Blog with you again soon.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Week Six Tick, Tock

The count down continues! We are now in our sixth week of PGN. To be honest we are getting really tired of waiting. We are hoping for an indepenance day for Cameron soon! Keep praying for us, we have to get some good news soon!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

This Moment

It is easy to get caught up in dreaming and worrying about the future. What will Cameron be like? Will he be happy? Will he be scared? Will I be a good Mom? Will I cry when I see him for the first time? What will the airplane ride be like with a baby? All I seem to do lately is live for the day we get Cameron. I forget about my daily blessings. I am so blessed to have the family and friends I have. This journey through adoption is a blessing. I have never felt so supported by so many people in my life, each person cheering us on as we struggle through the waiting or celebrate the latest picture. My Mom always lived each day to the fullest. She died young but full of joy and love for each day. I want to do that, I want to live that way. Sure it is fun to dream and hope, but I have to remember God gave me today to be the person he wants me to be today.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Hard Day Still Waiting

Today was a hard day for me. I suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis, and had to see my doctor for a check-up today. Stress tends to flare up my arthritis and I have had a fare amount of stress lately. Stress of losing my Mom (my best friend), stress of endless waiting for a son, stress of losing a brother in-law to divorce, not to mention the day to day stress life can bring. I feel like through it all I have been remained pretty put together, I feel I am dealing well with all the stress. My body on the other hand does not agree. I had to get my knee injected today, which for all of you who have not had the opportunity to go through it, is not a fun experience.

I was listening to a song today on a Dove CD I have. I don't know the title of the song, but the words of the song are "I will lead you through valleys of sorrows to rivers of joy". I truly believe that my river of joy s coming, I just wish it would flow more quickly, before my body falls apart :) Oh well what can you do? Love ya all!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Swing Set

Hi everyone sorry I have not been posting much latley. We are entering week five of what looks to be a ten week process, that is if we don't get kicked out again. We had a wonderful fathers day weekend up with Brian's parents last weekend. The only thing his Dad wanted to do for fathers day was build a swing set for Cameron. Here is a picture of the final product. I cannot wait for Cameron to play on it!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Video of Cameron

Today was a great day. We received our first video of Cameron "Luis Fernando"! To see the video please go to Hope everyone is doing well!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Sophia and the Dogs

We are trying to get our dogs used to babies. Sophia loves dogs so we are using her for practice. I think they are starting to get use to having her a round. I hope Cameron likes dogs as much as Sophia.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

June Pictures

This is our June picture. He looks like they just woke him up from a nap. We are now sixteen days into a eight to ten week wait
(That is if we don't get kicked out). We are happy and trying to remain positive!